Remembering back where I started this business by accident. But indirectly it turns out I've started.
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Route 66 Garage Diorama by Customslim Hobbies |
Saya tidak tahu sama sekali tentang hal itu, dan ini cukup gila menurut saya. Bagaimana mungkin sebuah mobil diecast yang berukuran kecil ini bisa begitu disukai oleh kalangan dewasa bahkan harganya pun bisa dibilang sangat mahal? Akhirnya saya coba untuk membeli beberapa di toko mainan terdekat hanya sekedar ingin tahu seperti apa Hot wheels itu. Dan ternyata ada benarnya juga, memang banyak sekali variannya. Bingung juga untuk memilih, sangat beragam. Kemudian disitulah saya mulai berfikir bahwa hal ini seharusnya bisa menjadi lebih asyik lagi jika di pajang dirumah, bukan untuk dimainkan atau untuk balap. Sepertinya saya lebih suka hal itu, apalagi jika saya bisa membuat sebuah diorama dengan tema yang tepat dengan jenis mobil seperti itu. Tentunya akan terlihat lebih hidup jika dipajang dirumah nantinya.
Starting from my chat with my friend about diecast car brand Hot wheels that he collect, I asked him "How can you collect Hot wheels up so much?" I really do not understand? The answered is Hot wheels is diverse, ranging from the type favored by children up to adult collectors. For example Hot wheels specifically for racing, so many variants that can be used for racing category with different prices.
I do not know anything about it, and this is quite crazy in my opinion. How could a diecast car that is small could be so favored by adults and even the price is practically very expensive? Finally, I try to buy some at a nearby toy store just wanted to know what it's Hot wheels. And it turns out there is something in it, is a lot of variants. So confused to choose, it is very diverse. Then that's where I started to think that it should be able to be more fun if the shelf at home, not to play or for racing. It seems to me more like it, especially if I could make a diorama with a theme appropriate to the type of car like that. Surely it would look more alive if displayed at home later.
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Route 66 Garage Diorama by Customslim Hobbies |
Saya mencoba untuk mencari tahu bagaimana cara membuat diorama. Perlahan-lahan saya pelajari, hingga akhirnya saya membuat diorama dengan tema Route 66 's. Ini menjadi keseriusan bagi saya, saya benar-benar suka melakukan hal ini. Memang, banyak kesulitan yang saya hadapi dalam membuat diorama seperti ini, karena ini adalah pertama kalinya saya membuat miniatur berukuran kecil untuk sebuah diorama dan berusaha supaya diorama itu terlihat lebih nyata. Walaupun sulit itu tidak menghentikan keinginan saya untuk menyelesaikannya. Saya sangat puas dengan hasilnya meskipun hanya seperti ini. Saya mencoba untuk berbagi kepada teman-teman dengan apa yang telah saya buat ini, responnya sangat positif dan menunjukkan kepada saya bahwa ini harus dilanjutkan.
I'm trying to figure out how to make a diorama. Gradually I learned, until finally I made a diorama with the theme Route 66 's. It became serious for me, I really like doing this. Indeed, many difficulties I faced in making a diorama like this, because this is my first time making small sized miniature for a diorama and tried to keep it look more real. Although it is difficult that did not stop my desire to solve it. I am very satisfied with the result although just like this. I try to share with friends what I have made this, the response was very positive and showed me that should be continued.
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Route 66 Garage Diorama by Customslim Hobbies |
Saya mendapatkan banyak pengalaman di sini, karena setiap membuat diorama memiliki kesulitan dan keasyikan tersendiri bagi saya.
I continue to learn how to make diorama much better. Little by little I practice what I had learned. One time I saw a competition to make a diorama in social media organized by the Hot wheels Indonesia, and I try to send a picture of my first diorama to them. And it turned out really surprising, I'm win, although only ranked second. But it was incredible, I just learned about this and fact can be directly awarded. Extraordinary.
I get a lot of experience here, because each makes diorama has its own difficulties and preoccupation for me.